
6 results

Une affiche de sensibilisation pour octobre rose sur laquelle est écrit "Tous ensemble contre le cancer du sein" au-dessus d'un dessin de trois femmes noires souriantes.

Breast cancer in Mali: women share their stories

A multidisciplinary study sheds light on the little-known lives and care pathways of women affected by breast cancer in Mali.
Center frame of a dirt street surrounded by tin buildings in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Mpox in DRC: alarming human-to-human spread

After the mpox pandemic in 2022, a new epidemic is spreading in South Kivu. Scientists are studying the risk to better control it.
A woman wearing a cap and a white lab coat observes blood samples under a microscope.

HIV treatments in Africa: the importance of extended clinical trials in the field

The NAMSAL clinical trial on HIV patient care in sub-Saharan Africa confirms the need for alternative treatments.

Hanoi suffocated by fine particles resulting from human activity

The majority of the intense fine particulate pollution in Hanoi, which is particularly dangerous to health, is linked to human activities.

Covid-19: The Social Sciences Join the Battle

When epidemics first emerge, all eyes tend to turn to the epidemiologists, virologists and clinical trials. The humanities and social sciences also have an important role to play, both in studying the phenomenon and providing a response to it. Two of the IRD’s health anthropologists talk about their...

Cesarean deliveries in India: too many and yet too few

Had India fallen prey to the epidemic of cesarean currently affecting many countries in the world? Thanks to the data issued from the latest National Family and Health Survey, Christophe Z. Guilmoto and Alexandre Dumont, both IRD researchers, have been able to chart some of the main trends and...